The Model of Development for Leadership of Association for Nursing Student in Universities Under Henan Province

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Wang Kunlun
Somsak Chanphong
Vorachai Viphoouparakhot


          The objectives of this research were: (1) To explore the components and variables of the model of nursing student cadres leadership development in universities under Henan Province.(2) To propose the guideline of the model of nursing student cadres leadership development in universities under Henan Province.The research was a mixed methodology research, including quantitative research and qualitative research. The survey included 328 nursing student leaders from 13 colleges. A stratified sampling method was adopted for 2272 nursing student cadres. The tools used for data collection included semi-structured interviews, five-level rating scale questionnaires, and focus group discussion records. Descriptive statistics, ,S.D.exploratory factor analysis and content analysis were used for data analysis.
          The results show that: (1)The leadership model of nursing student cadres in Henan Province is composed of the following five component:ideology;Character style; Communication and socializing; Cognitive ability; Innovative thinking;(2)There are 20 guiding principles for the guideline leadership of nursing student cadres in colleges and universities in Henan Province, including 4 guiding principles in component 1 ideology, 4 guiding principles in component 2 Character style, 4 guiding principles in component 3 Communication and socializing, 4 guiding principles in component 4 Cognitive ability, and 4 guiding principles in component 5 Innovative thinking.

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How to Cite
Kunlun , W. ., Chanphong , . S. ., & Viphoouparakhot , V. . (2024). The Model of Development for Leadership of Association for Nursing Student in Universities Under Henan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 650–665. retrieved from
Research Article


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