Guidelines for increasing the home loan balance of Government Housing Bank, Rayong District For those who want to apply for a loan with an amount not exceeding 2.5 million baht

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Saranya Klomkiang
Sarinya La-ong-in Thayarnsin


          This study To study guidelines for increasing the amount of home loans of Government Housing Bank, Rayong District. The study specifically targeted individuals who were in the process of applying for loans amounting to a maximum of 2.5 million baht. The results of our study indicated that a substantial proportion of participants were female, aged 26 to 35, unmarried, and possessed a bachelor's degree. A cohort of 309 participants reported being employed by private enterprises, and their respective monthly revenues varied between 25,001 and 35,000 baht. The behaviour of service users applying for home loans within the specified range at the Government Housing Bank in the Rayong area was illuminated through the data analysis. The participants conveyed a notable inclination towards securing a mortgage loan from the Government Housing Bank with the explicit intention of purchasing real estate, specifically individual residences. It was discovered that the mean loan approval duration ranged from 8 to 20 days, with an application period of 30 days. The loan application service at the Rayong branch of the Government Housing Bank was favoured by the majority of applicants on account of its appealing low-interest rates that were specifically designed to cater to the requirements of individuals with low to moderate incomes.

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How to Cite
Klomkiang , S. ., & La-ong-in Thayarnsin, S. . (2024). Guidelines for increasing the home loan balance of Government Housing Bank, Rayong District For those who want to apply for a loan with an amount not exceeding 2.5 million baht. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 32–43. retrieved from
Research Article


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