The Relationship Between Language and Ideology of Femininity in Novels of Niphon Thiengtham

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Li Man
Patcharin Buranakorn


           The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between language and ideology of femininity in novels of Niphon Thiengtham. Three novels were studied: Chiang chang, Krong Kam, and Ongkan Borihan SuanHuacai. The documentary research and textual analysis are a studying tool, and the research findings were reported as a descriptive analysis. The research findings reveals that, the language strategies that the author chooses to use to convey thoughts and ideology of femininity are 1) word selection, there were two kinds of word usage aspect i.e. verbs and descriptive words. And 2) sentence structures, there were four kinds of sentence structures usage aspect i.e. imperative, declarative, interrogative and causal sentences. The ideologies of repeatedly found in novels of Niphon Thiengtham related to ideology of being a good motherhood, ideology of being a good daughter, ideology of being a good wife and the ideology of being a good womanhood in Thai society

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How to Cite
Man , L. ., & Buranakorn, P. . (2024). The Relationship Between Language and Ideology of Femininity in Novels of Niphon Thiengtham. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 288–300. Retrieved from
Research Article


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