Technology Acceptance Affecting Work Effectiveness of Personnel at a Hospital

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Pakorn Subpoonkerd
Tunpawee Ratpongporn


           This study aims to investigate the acceptance of technology and the efficiency of work among personnel in a specific hospital. The objective is to compare individual factors with the work efficiency of hospital staff and examine how technology acceptance influences their work efficiency. The sample group for this study consists of 286 hospital personnel, and a questionnaire is utilized as the data collection tool. Statistical analyses include percentages, averages, standard deviations, T-test, ANOVA, and regression. The results of the study reveal that the conclusions of this study highlight the importance of technology adoption and adaptation to new technology to increase the work efficiency of hospital personnel. This will have a positive impact on health services and the quality of life of the people who use the services in the said hospital. In addition, the study is also useful in developing policies and guidelines for effective and efficient human resource management in public health organizations and quality.

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How to Cite
Subpoonkerd , . P. ., & Ratpongporn, T. (2024). Technology Acceptance Affecting Work Effectiveness of Personnel at a Hospital. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 19–33. Retrieved from
Research Article


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