Research on the influence of social commerce characteristics on consumers' purchase intention

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Guo Wenwen
Shao Zhen


          Based on the S-O-R framework and the media richness theory, this paper discusses the process factors of consumer behavior in social commerce and the potential influences among them from the perspective of the technical characteristics of social commerce and the construction of users' social networks. Taking trust as an intermediary bridge between media technology characteristics and consumers' purchase intention, we established a model of consumers' purchase intention in social commerce by considering the recommendation characteristics of opinion leaders as an important factor affecting the immediacy of feedback and the diversity of cues on trust. This paper not only enriched the influencing factors of social commerce on consumers' purchase intention, but also provided a theoretical framework for subsequent relevant research and provided strategies and suggestions for participants in social commerce.

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How to Cite
Wenwen , . G. ., & Zhen, S. (2024). Research on the influence of social commerce characteristics on consumers’ purchase intention. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 259–277. Retrieved from
Research Article


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