The Guidelines for Promotion Incentives for the Production of Local Community Products: A Case Study of Pakoeyo Community Products in Pa Deng Sub-district of Phetchaburi Province

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Worophong Sangpud
บำเพ็ญ ไมตรีโสภณ
ธนสิน จันทรเดช
วราพร แสงชูนิล
จิราพร ไชยะ
มณฑล โปแก้ว


         This article aims to present guidelines for promoting incentives for the production of local community products. of the pakoeyo community, Pa Deng Subdistrict, Phetchaburi Province Under hand-woven fabric products which is the traditional way of weaving Using a small weaving device called a loom. At present, weaving in this manner is very rare. And weaving in this style has patterns that indicate the identity of the community. very well Therefore, the researcher sees that if guidelines are created to encourage production incentives, It will create income for the households of the pakoeyo. The important mechanism is There must be a market to support the product. Because the area of Ban pakoeyo is quite difficult to enter the area. But it is a good selling point for Tourists who like nature tourism If you want these products to be spread to awareness. and people's interests It is absolutely necessary that The government sector must come and find a market to support the product. Which will be in the form of a store or an online market. Both parts are considered important mechanisms for distributing products. Therefore, from the point of view of the student Therefore, it is seen that local community products will generate income back to the producers. The market for products is a very important mechanism to create and develop sustainable income back to the community.

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How to Cite
Sangpud, W. ., ไมตรีโสภณ . บ. ., จันทรเดช ธ. ., แสงชูนิล . ว. ., ไชยะ จ. ., & โปแก้ว ม. (2024). The Guidelines for Promotion Incentives for the Production of Local Community Products: A Case Study of Pakoeyo Community Products in Pa Deng Sub-district of Phetchaburi Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 554–563. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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