The Impact of Gender Diversity of Board of Directors on Enterprise Performance: the Intermermediary Role Based on Innovation Ability

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Yanping Song


           With the increasing participation of women in the business and social fields, the issue of gender diversity in corporate governance on the board of directors has received increasing attention. This article is mainly based on the high-order echelon theory and resource dependence theory, focusing on the impact of board gender diversity on corporate performance. Using large sample empirical data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2012 to 2017, and using Stata statistical software, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other methods, empirical analysis was conducted. Through empirical analysis, two main aspects of research were carried out: (1) The main effect analysis of board gender diversity on corporate performance. (2) An analysis of the mediating effect of corporate innovation capability between board gender diversity and corporate performance. The research results indicate that: (1) Gender diversity in the board of directors has a significant promoting effect on corporate performance. (2) The innovation capability of enterprises partially mediates the relationship between board gender diversity and corporate performance.

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How to Cite
Yanping, S. . (2024). The Impact of Gender Diversity of Board of Directors on Enterprise Performance: the Intermermediary Role Based on Innovation Ability. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 186–198. Retrieved from
Research Article


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