Factors influencing the success of the One Tambon One Product policy in Thailand: a case study of food products

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Kunnachadd Warkornwibunsin
Suwannee Sangmahachai


           The objectives of this research were 1) to study the effectiveness of the low-income housing development policy implemented by the National Housing Authority (NHA). (2) To study the conditions that affect the effectiveness of implementing the housing development policy for low-income earners; and (3) To propose recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of implementing the housing development policy for low-income earners that can be done by the National Housing Authority (NHA). The method of qualitative research was used in the in-depth interview. The key informants were 33 people, who were the senior executives and employees of the National Housing Authority, including the community chairman and residents of communities participating in the National Housing Authority's projects. Analysis and synthesis of content information as well as discussion of results. Information was presented in descriptive form.
            The study findings were as follows:
            1. The effectiveness of implementing policies on housing development for low-income people Overall, success was achieved according to the plan set according to all three dimensions of indicators: output, outcome, and final outcomes.
           2. Conditions or factors affecting the effectiveness of the implementation of the NHA’s low-income housing development policy were transformational leadership and teamwork.
           3. The recommendations and strategies aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of implementing low-income housing development policies by the NHA include: (1) the development of leadership competencies to foster transformational leadership; (2) the establishment of networks and coordination with relevant agencies; and (3) the attitude of the practitioners.

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How to Cite
Warkornwibunsin, K., & Sangmahachai, S. . (2024). Factors influencing the success of the One Tambon One Product policy in Thailand: a case study of food products. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 105–127. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/273817
Research Article


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