Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy and Service Quality Strategy Affect the Selection of Fitness Services

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Pattramas Promsa


          This research aims to study 1) Study integrated marketing communication strategy, service quality strategy and decision to use fitness services. 2) Study the influence of integrated marketing communication strategies that affect the decision to use fitness services and 3) to study the influence of service quality strategies that affect the decision to choose to use fitness services. This research was quantitative. The sample consisted Those who use the Olympic Fitness Club, 400 people. Collected data by questionnaire. Analyze data from frequency, percentage, mean, and enter multiple linear regression. The research results found that: 1) Integrated marketing communication strategy of the Olympic Fitness Club is overall at a high level, including sales by employees, direct marketing, public relations promotion and advertising, respectively. 2) Service quality strategy of the Olympic Fitness Club is overall at a high level, including the concreteness of the service, customer confidence, customer response, knowing and understanding customers, and trust, respectively. 3) The decision to use fitness services of the Olympic Fitness Club is at a high level, including awareness of information search problems, evaluating purchasing options, post-purchase behaviour, and searching for information. 4) The influence of integrated marketing communication strategies that affect the decision to use fitness services, Statistically at 0.05 and 5) to study the influence of service quality strategies that affect the decision to choose to use fitness services, Statistically at 0.05

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How to Cite
Promsa, P. (2024). Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy and Service Quality Strategy Affect the Selection of Fitness Services . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(11), 138–153. Retrieved from
Research Article


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