The Factors of Perceiving Security, Perceiving of Advantage on the Usage, and the Ease Perceiving of the Usage Affecting on Making Decisions for Purchasing Personal Protective Equipment of Samutsakorn Citizens
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The objectives of this study were to investigate: 1) a comparison of purchase decisions for purchasing personal protective equipment of Samutsakorn citizens, specified by personal factors; and 2) perceived security, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use affecting on the purchase decisions for purchasing personal protective equipment of Samutsakorn citizens. This study was a quantitative study. Samples in this study were 385 Samutsakorn citizens who had purchase decisions for personal protective equipment. The research instrument was a questionnaire, which was statistically analyzed by using frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and multiple regression analyses.
The results of the study revealed that: 1) Samutsakorn citizens having their occupation differences had the difference of level of purchase decisions of purchasing personal protective equipment at the statistical significance of 0.05 level; whereas Samutsakorn citizens having different sex, age, status, and education level factors had no difference of levels of purchase decisions for purchasing personal protective equipment. And, 2) the perceived ease of use, perceived security and the perceived usefulness together explain the descriptive statistics of purchase decisions for personal protective equipment of Samutsakorn citizens. The results of this study showed that when Samutsakorn citizens make their purchase decisions for personal protective equipment by their perceived ease of use, perceived security, and perceived usefulness. These factors could increase their purchase decisions further.
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