Innovative organizational factors affecting the efficiency of educational innovation in schools under the Office of Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area 1

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Min Prachuapwan
Rungsun Ingun
Kunprapat Rumpungjit


           The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the level of Factor of Innovative organization affecting the educational innovation efficiency; 2) to study the level of educational innovation efficiency; 3) to study the prediction equations of Factor of Innovative organization affecting the educational innovation efficiency; and 4) to study the model of Factor of innovative organization affecting the educational innovation efficiency of schools in Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. In the 1st Phase, It’s conducted by Quantitative Research. The sample group consisted of 318 personnel from schools under the jurisdiction of schools in Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, determined using Yamane's formula. Data was collected using questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis was performed using Enter and Stepwise methods. In the 2nd phase, It’s conducted by Qualitative Research. The target group in qualitative research was divided into two steps (1) In-depth interviews with 12 participants. (2) Small group meetings with another set of 12 participants, different from those in the in-depth interviews. Data was collected using structured interview forms and analyzed descriptively to explain the results.
          The results of the quantitative research found that (1) The overall level of factors of innovative organization was at a high level. (2) The overall level of educational innovation efficiency was at a high level. (3) The correlation between overall innovative organizational factors and overall educational innovation efficiency was moderate, with a correlation coefficient of .655, statistically significant at the .01 level. (4 The analysis of the prediction equations for innovative organizational factors affecting educational innovation efficiency indicated that five variables could explain 64.80% of the variance, with R² = .648 and F = 114.892, statistically significant at the .01 level. The factors entering the equation in order of their relationship were organizational structure, organizational culture, innovation vision, team, and learning organization. (5) Innovative organizational factors identified from in-depth interviews and small group meetings included 11 factors: innovative visionary leadership, operational process, innovation organizational culture, data communication, policy and strategy, learning organization, motivation, innovation network, innovation team, innovation evaluation, and participation. (6) Educational innovation efficiency identified from in-depth interviews and small group meetings covered five areas: curriculum innovation for community development, teaching format innovation using social phenomena as a basis, digital-age teaching media innovation, digital innovation for educational institution administration, and student development innovation.

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How to Cite
Prachuapwan, M. ., Ingun, R. ., & Rumpungjit, K. . (2024). Innovative organizational factors affecting the efficiency of educational innovation in schools under the Office of Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 516–534. retrieved from
Research Article


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