The Guidelines for Improving Empowering Leadership of Administrators in Public Normal Universities Under Liaoning Province

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Wang Ning
Kamolmal Chaisirithanya


           In recent years, empowering leadership has received widespread attention in the field of management. With the gradual flattening of organizational structures in global education, traditional hierarchical management models are increasingly being replaced by empowering leadership, which emphasizes information sharing, autonomous decision-making, and participative decision-making. In this new era, universities face numerous challenges, such as high work pressure, poor mental health, and low job satisfaction among teachers. Therefore, empowering leadership, as an important management tool, becomes essential and significant as it can enhance the autonomy and engagement of organizational members, thereby improving their job well-being and work efficiency.
           The objectives of this research were: (1) to determine the components and indicators of empowering leadership of administrators in public normal universities under Liaoning Province; (2) to develop the guidelines for improving administrators’ empowering leadership in public normal universities under Liaoning Province.
           The research employed qualitative research methodology. The researcher found forty-three components and fifty-seven indicators of empowering leadership through a literature review and Semi-Structured Interviews involving nine key informants. From these forty-three components, four high-frequency components and twenty-seven high-frequency indicators were extracted. Through Focus Group Discussions, seven key informants provided eight guidelines around the four components of empowering leadership to enhance administrators’ empowering leadership abilities in public normal universities under Liaoning Province. The instruments used for data collection were the Document Data Record Form, the Semi-Structured Interviews Form, and the Focus Group Discussions Form. This research employed content analysis.
           The research findings revealed that (1) empowering leadership of administrators in public normal universities under Liaoning Province consisted of four components: information sharing, clarity of work meaning,  self-determination, and participative decision-making, and twenty-seven indicators, and (2) the guidelines for improving empowering leadership of administrators involved establishing information exchange channels, emphasizing the goals and significance of the work, cultivating a sense of ownership and initiative, making the decision-making process transparent, clarifying the contributions of each role to the organization, enhancing the sense of responsibility and establishing accountability mechanics, encouraging breakthroughs and innovation, and encouraging organization members to participate in discussions and decision-making.
           In summary, the research highlights the importance of empowering leadership in addressing the challenges faced by administrators in public normal universities under Liaoning Province. By identifying key components such as information sharing, clarity of work meaning, self-determination, and participative decision-making, and proposing practical guidelines, the study provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing administrators' leadership capabilities. This approach not only aims to improve job satisfaction and well-being among teachers but also seeks to foster a more engaged and efficient organizational environment.

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How to Cite
Ning, W. ., & Chaisirithanya, K. . . . (2024). The Guidelines for Improving Empowering Leadership of Administrators in Public Normal Universities Under Liaoning Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 282–292. Retrieved from
Research Article


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