Buddhist Leadership According to the Principles of Good Governance

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Phrapalad Nuttapong Khantisampanno (Muenkaew)
Phramaha Phisit Visitthapanyo
Ekkarach Kositpimanvach


        This academic article aims to study ethical leadership according to the principles of good governance. Which consists of the rule of law, the principle of morality, and the principle of transparency. Participation principles Principles of Responsibility  and the principle of value Today's leaders must know how to adapt in management.  that will help solve corruption problems Solving social conflicts  which has Buddhist leadership Leaders must be dharma-based, knowledgeable, capable, and honest. Be selfless, not biased, and work according to the principles of the law.  Focus on developing morality and ethics and principles of good governance for living together happily Therefore, the principles of good governance Therefore, it is an important guideline for organizing society in both the government, private and public sectors. To have management principles that are efficient, moral, and transparent.  Can be checked and participation of all s ectors  By applying Buddhist principles  which will bring further progress, peace, and stability of the country.

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How to Cite
Khantisampanno (Muenkaew), P. N. ., Visitthapanyo , . P. P. ., & Kositpimanvach, E. . (2024). Buddhist Leadership According to the Principles of Good Governance. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 409–423. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/275398
Academic Article


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