Relationship Between the Creative Leadership of Administrators and the Effectiveness Of Educational Institutions Under Local Government Organizations in Samut Sakhon Province

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Wichian Intarasompun
Yaowarat Thongmee
Nidsinee Kupasert


           This research aims to study 1) the level of creative leadership among administrators of educational institutions, 2) the level of effectiveness of these educational institutions, and 3) the relationship between the creative leadership of administrators and the effectiveness of these educational institutions under local government organizations in Samut Sakhon Province. The sample group consisted of 262 teachers from educational institutions under local government organizations in Samut Sakhon Province. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistical software to determine frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and to test the relationship between variables using Pearson's product-moment correlation method.
           The research findings revealed that: 1) the overall level of creative leadership among administrators was at a high level. 2) The overall effectiveness of the educational institutions was at a high level. 3) There was a high positive correlation between the creative leadership of administrators and the effectiveness of educational institutions under local government organizations in Samut Sakhon Province, with statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Intarasompun, W. ., Thongmee, . Y. . ., & Kupasert , N. . (2024). Relationship Between the Creative Leadership of Administrators and the Effectiveness Of Educational Institutions Under Local Government Organizations in Samut Sakhon Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 77–89. Retrieved from
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