The Development of Online Database for the Monks in Yang Talat District of Kalasin Province

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พระครูอนุลปริยัติการ ดร.


          The objectives of this research are 1) to study the problems and impacts of online monk database management in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province 2) To study the drive to develop an online database of monks in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province and 3) to develop an online database of monks in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province It is qualitative research. By using a purposive random sampling method. Important information providers include the ecclesiastical ruler. There were 15 monks, 16 civil servants from the Provincial Cultural Office, 8 people from the Office of Buddhism, a total of 39 monks/person. Instruments used in the research It's an interview. and group discussion Data were analyzed using a descriptive inductive method.
          The study found that:
          1. Problems and impacts of online database management of monks in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province found that the required information was a problem of obtaining too much information material. And the indexes that are highly effective in searching for information are titles and headings. Most users are also satisfied with using vocabulary taken from keywords according to their own ideas. and eliminating the problem of unfamiliarity with the use of mandatory vocabulary that allows access to which parts of the information Lack of ability to use computers and printing equipment
           2. Driving the development of an online database of monks in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province found that driving the development of cloud databases in administrative matters By creating an electronic meeting system Integrated with the Google Calendar system for religious education Use social media communication technology such as LINE application in the field of dissemination. Based on the principles of creating a knowledge management website system using the Google Site system, able to quickly manage and analyze data results. There is data security. Able to work together as a team
         3. Development of an online database of monks in Yang Talat District. Kalasin Province An electronic meeting system should be created with the Google Calendar system for internal communication. Creating a society like a learning organization Resource management Information system management By using the cloud system Increase operational potential according to goals, vision, mission, objectives and should have management principles. By adhering to ethical principles with information technology is important

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How to Cite
พระครูอนุลปริยัติการ ดร. (2024). The Development of Online Database for the Monks in Yang Talat District of Kalasin Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 535–552. retrieved from
Research Article


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