A Promotion of Buddhist Agricultural community of dates farmers in Khonkaen Provinc

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Songphon Choutikavatchagul
Phramaha Kitti Kittimatee
PhamahaGrissana Baothong
Riangdow Tavachaiee
Phusit Pulanram
Nites Sanannaree


          Carrying out research projects Promoting Buddhist agricultural groups of date palm farmers in Khon Kaen Province The objectives are 1) to study basic agricultural information for date palm growers in Khon Kaen Province, 2) to study the development model for date palm cultivation according to Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province, and 3) to develop a picture. Model of processing and driving the date palm marketing mechanism of Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province It is qualitative research. The research team used a method to collect data by participatory action research. using document analysis techniques in-depth interview techniques and focus group discussion techniques Then integrating the information obtained from interviews in the study area to answer the research objectives. which studies concepts, theories, and agricultural promotion Buddhist agriculture Development of livelihood according to the Buddhist way Sufficiency Economy Philosophy About dates and research related to the promotion of Buddhist farming groups among date palm farmers.
        The study found that:
         1) Information on date palm growers in Khon Kaen Province, Ban Kham Subdistrict, Nam Phong District, Khon Kaen Province. It is 23 kilometers from Nam Phong District and 25 kilometers from Khon Kaen Province. It is a plateau with streams, creeks, canals, swamps, artificial water sources, weirs, shallow wells, rocking wells, artesian wells, public ponds, and private ponds. There are a total of 16 villages. From problems that have been complaints. The issue of tap water being often cloudy The reason is that it is an old water pipe that caused water to settle. Agriculture: 70 percent work in agriculture. Important agricultural products include rice, cassava, sugarcane, peanuts. Agricultural occupation is 70 percent of the total population. Animal raising occupations 13 percent, contract occupations 8 percent of the total population, trading occupations 9 percent
          2) To study the development model of date palm cultivation according to Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province. It was found that planting seeds grew well and began flowering and bearing fruit at the age of 5-6 years, obtained from tissue culture. Date palms have the highest level of salinity compared to olives, figs, oranges, grapes, cantaloupe, oranges, apples. Planting distance: 8 Using a drip irrigation system to eliminate weeds Few species are used for weed management in oil palm fields. Diseases caused by fungi When infested, it will cause withering and death.
       3) To develop a processing model and drive the date palm marketing mechanism of Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province. It was found that processing from fresh date palm fruits from the benefits of dates. It helps pregnant women have strong uterine muscles, making uterine contractions easier. and cause less blood loss during birth Contains sugar that is beneficial to the body Therefore, it does not cause high blood sugar levels. Helps treat diabetes Dates play an important role in reducing feelings of pressure and relieving depression, which in turn causes the body to produce more milk. And most importantly, it also helps add nutrients that are useful in breast milk to nourish the body. Increase strength to rejuvenate the body It will eliminate fatigue and exhaustion. Just eat dates and after less than an hour your body will regain strength again. The benefits of dates help nourish and preserve eyesight. Slow down the deterioration of the eyes. Prevents light blindness or blurred vision in the dark or at night.


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How to Cite
Choutikavatchagul, S. ., Kitti Kittimatee, P. ., Baothong, P. ., Tavachaiee, R. ., Pulanram , P. ., & Sanannaree, N. . (2024). A Promotion of Buddhist Agricultural community of dates farmers in Khonkaen Provinc . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 96–107. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/275544
Research Article


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