Study of the development model for date palm cultivation according to Buddhist agricultural methods

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Phra Krusribuddhibandit
Phramaha Kitti Kittimatee
Nites Sanannaree
Phrakru Pariyatchanbandit
Phramaha Watchara Wachirayano (Saengnoi)


           Dates are a type of fruit that are beneficial to the body in many ways. Helps maintain strength Makes you feel refreshed Helps to nourish breast milk for pregnant mothers. It can help you lose weight. Due to the high fiber content, however, you should eat the right amount. So that the body receives adequate nutrients and is safe for the body. Development of date palm cultivation according to Buddhist agricultural methods Abstain from all types of criminals, engage in work that is honest, not illegal, not immoral, does not cause distress to oneself or others. Live your life according to the principles of Buddhism in accordance with the letter of the law, respecting the rules and regulations of society. No corruption, whether it is any small thing or not, is integrated into the marketing mechanism of date palm growers in Khon Kaen Province. During the date harvest season Things to consider after harvest include: Methods and channels of distribution, stocking, storage, and processing that are convenient for both consumers and producers. Whether it's dried, syrup, snacks, breakfast including cereals. Freezing creates a process to promote a sustainable marketing mechanism for date palm farmers in Khon Kaen Province, growing a variety of crops that can blossom and bear fruit as a source of income. of farmer groups Which is considered a highlight of the garden from the benefits of economic

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How to Cite
Phra Krusribuddhibandit, Kittimatee, P. K. ., Sanannaree , N. ., Phrakru Pariyatchanbandit, & Wachirayano (Saengnoi), P. W. . (2024). Study of the development model for date palm cultivation according to Buddhist agricultural methods . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 712–723. retrieved from
Academic Article


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