The Impact of Information Quality on the Investment Decision-Making Behavior of Chinese Institutional Investors From the Perspective of AIEmpowerment
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research were: 1) To study the impact of company information quality in the securities market on the investment decision-making behavior of institutional investors. 2) To explore how information quality affects investment decisions through perception and identification. 3) To analyze the impact of the weight of information quality in the securities market on the investment behavior of institutional investors. 4) To analyze the impact of AI-enabled information quality on the long-term investment behavior of institutional investors.
The sample consisted of 448 fund managers and researchers in Beijing who influence investment decision-making. They were selected by the snowball sampling method. The research instruments for the data collection were a combination of on-site distribution and electronic questionnaires. The statistics for data analysis included SPSS 27.0 and AMOS 24.0 for reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, including tests for content validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.
The research results were found as follows: 1) The quality of company information in the securities market has a significant impact on investment decision-making behavior. 2) AI-enabled information quality has a significant impact on investment decision-making behavior. 3) The quality of company information in the securities market has a significant impact on perceptual identification. 4) Artificial Intelligence empowerment has a significant impact on perceptual recognition. Suggestions for further research include expanding the scope to include institutional investors from different regions and industries, conducting longitudinal studies to explore causal relationships, and investigating the impact of AI on other aspects of the financial market such as risk management and market efficiency.
Article Details
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