Faculty of Engineering Students Opinions On Factors Influencingthe Quality of Life of Mahasarakham University Students
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The objective of this research is to study the social and economic characteristics of Mahasarakham University students and survey the opinions of Faculty of Engineering students regarding factors influencing the quality of life of Mahasarakham University student. Using 400 engineering students were used as the case study. Samples were determined using Krejcie and Morgan tables. The methodology of this study was means of sampling. The used tool for data collection was a questionnaire rating scale of 5 levels. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, means and standard deviation.
The research shows that most engineering students have opinions about on the quality of life of Mahasarakham University students overall is at a medium level (x̄ = 3.20) and when considering each aspect found that the most influential factor is the teaching aspect. (x̄ = 3.53) the result is that the faculty of engineering students are of the view that, the university places great importance on teaching and learning, modern educational media there is a consistent measurement and evaluation system, teachers have the skills to impart knowledge. Next is the provision of services to students. (x̄ = 3.44) the result is that the faculty of engineering students are of the view that, the university has a comprehensive service system to promote the quality of life of students. Both in promoting life, counseling, and selling consumer products, medical care, traveling with in the university and the internet signal covering the entire university. The aspect that was at the lowest level was is the administrative side (x̄ = 2.65) the questions with the least amount of opinions are providing opportunities for students to meet university administrators as appropriate, the result is that the faculty of engineering students are of the view that, requesting a meet with university administrators still has steps and complications. Which university administrators must adjust their role reduce the access gap to be able to honestly listen to students problems or needs, to make students feel that university administrators truly care about students' well-being.
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