The Influence of Acceptance for the Use of Information System Technology in Operation Affected the Efficiency Of Operation in the E-Laas Computer Accounting System for Local Government Organizations in Northern Region

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Yuwadee Jitjong
Mattima Krongten


          The objectives of this study were 1) to study operational factors affect to operational efficiency in the E-Laas computer accounting system of local administrative organizations in the northern region; 2) to study the acceptance of using the information technology, affecting to the operational efficiency of the E-Laas computer accounting system of local government organizations in the northern region. The study was based on a sample group of 280 accountants from local government organizations in the northern region. Data were collected using questionnaires in order to analyze the data by calculating frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. and multiple regression analysis for testing hypotheses. At the statistical significance level of 0.05.
          The Research has found that 1) personnel factors include experience training, knowledge and skills, and understanding of the system usage process. 2) The factors that contribute to the adoption of information system technology include awareness of system usability, understanding of system benefits, and attitudes towards usage, which have a positive impact on the efficiency of computer accounting systems. E-Laas: Budget, Revenue, Expenditure, Accounting, and Finance 0.05

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How to Cite
Jitjong , Y. ., & Krongten, M. . (2024). The Influence of Acceptance for the Use of Information System Technology in Operation Affected the Efficiency Of Operation in the E-Laas Computer Accounting System for Local Government Organizations in Northern Region. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 267–283. retrieved from
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