Results of promoting learning potential of third year Early Childhood Education students by group process

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์Natthiyapron Karaket
Kajitpan Thongkam


           This research is experimental. The objectives are: 1) study the academic achievement of students in organizing science and mathematics activities for early childhood children using the group process and 2) study the satisfaction of students with teaching and learning using the group process. The sample group used in the research is 50 students in the Early Childhood Education Program who study organizing science and mathematics activities for early childhood children in the first semester of the academic year 2023. They were obtained by cluster random sampling using the classroom as the sampling unit. The instruments used are the cooperative learning activity plan using the group process and the satisfaction questionnaire on teaching and learning using the group process. The statistics used for data analysis are the mean and standard deviation.
           The results of the study found that the Academic results of students who received cooperative teaching with a group process Academic results were excellent at 24.00 percent, very good at 34.00 percent, and good at 42.00 percent in terms of student satisfaction the teaching was managed in a cooperative format with the group process divided into areas as follows: In terms of organizing learning activities it promotes collaboration at the highest level with the population mean μ = 4.66, SD=0.55 in terms of teaching and learning atmosphere students are enthusiastic about learning with the population mean μ = 4.64, SD=0.59 in terms of benefits received, there was the population mean μ = 4.56, SD=0.64 and in terms of content, making it possible to remember content and be able to search for knowledge on your own, there was the population mean μ = 4.52, SD=0.57 with the population mean for all aspects μ = 4.60, SD =0.59

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How to Cite
Karaket ์., & Thongkam , K. . (2024). Results of promoting learning potential of third year Early Childhood Education students by group process. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 563–575. retrieved from
Research Article


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