The Development of Learning Activities by Using Contex- Based Learning to Promote Mathematical Literacy for Grade 7 Students

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Thanaphon Taohom
Chamnan Panawong


       The purposes of this research were: 1) to formulate and assess the efficacy of context-based learning activities to promote mathematical literacy for Grade 7 students, utilizing a performance criterion of 75/75; 2) to compare the mathematical literacy of students before and after participating in the context-based learning activities; and 3) to examine students’ satisfaction with the context-based learning to promote their mathematical literacy for Grade 7 students. The sample groups seventh-grade students from Phothithammasuwat School.The research instruments were context-based learning activities, pretests, and posttests to assess mathematical literacy utilizing context-based learning activities and student satisfaction surveys. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and efficiency values , and t-test dependent.
          The research results revealed that:
          1. The context-based learning activities consisted of five steps: 1) Connecting relationships 2) Learning from experience Step 3) Applying knowledge 4) Collaboration, 5) Transferring knowledge to other contexts. The activities were deemed highly appropriate ( = 4.77, S.D. = 0.39), the lesson plan were rated as highly appropriate ( = 4.62, S.D. = 0.52), and the efficiency was 75.60/75.79.
           2. The mathematical literacy of students post-intervention was significantly higher than pre-intervention, at a significance level of .05.
          3. The satisfaction with the context-based learning activities aimed at enhancing mathematical literacy was very high after the intervention ( = 4.56, S.D. = 0.60).

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How to Cite
Taohom, T., & Panawong , C. . (2024). The Development of Learning Activities by Using Contex- Based Learning to Promote Mathematical Literacy for Grade 7 Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 284–300. retrieved from
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