Creating Video guide to Teach Ballet in Sichuan Conservatory of Music

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Xu Yingsha
Rujee Srisombut


        The purpose of this study is: (1) To create a ballet basic skills practice video. (2) To analyze the results of students' learning through videos to determine the effectiveness of exercise videos. Researchers use research and development methods to study and design dance video exercises. The target group consisted of 5 students and 3 experts. The researchers studied dance training textbooks, exercises and related literature.
          Theresearch results were the overall combination of components, students can obtain higher quality training methods, follow the recommendations of experts to modify the course and opinions, and obtain higher quality dance training. Exercised by the high quality dance classes, he will be a model to become a teacher and further study of other interested subjects. After two expert opinions and evaluations, the IOC gave the first 0.52, which does not meet the specified 0.70 standard and is invalid. According to the opinions and questions raised by the experts, and the revised content, the experts evaluated again, and the average value given by the experts was 0.86, exceeding the standard of the IOC 0.70.

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How to Cite
Yingsha , X. ., & Srisombut, R. . (2024). Creating Video guide to Teach Ballet in Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 609–617. Retrieved from
Research Article


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