The Development of Academic Achievement in Thai Literature of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students by Using MACRO Model with the use of Brain Writing Techniques

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Raksuda Homchuam
Kingkarn Buranasinvattanakul


           The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare learning achievement of Thai literature of mathayomsuksa 6 students before and after implementing with MACRO Model and Brain Writing technique. 2) To assess the satisfaction of students regarding to the MACRO Model and Brain Writing technique. The sample group consisted of 44 students from mathayomsuksa 6/6 of Saard Phaderm Witthaya School, Muang District, Chumphon Province, during the academic year 2024. The participants were selected by using cluster random sampling based on classrooms. The research utilized the MACRO Model and Brain Writing technique as instructional interventions. Data collection involved pre-test and post- test assessments of students' learning achievement in Thai literature, as well as a satisfaction survey to gauge students' opinions on the effectiveness of the instructional approach. Data analysis was conducted using means, standard deviations, and a dependent samples t-test to compare pre-test and post-test results and evaluate the statistical significance of any observed improvement in learning achievement. This study aimed to contribute the valuable insights to enhance the educational practices in Thai literature through innovative teaching methodologies, specifically the MACRO Model and Brain Writing technique. The results were as follows: 1) the learning achievement in Thai literature of mathayomsuksa 6 students significantly improved after implementing the MACRO Model of learning combined with the Brain Writing technique, with statistical significance at .05 level. 2) Satisfaction of mathayomsuksa 6 students with learning management according to the MACRO Model combined with Brain Writing techniques is at a very satisfied level.

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How to Cite
Homchuam , R. ., & Buranasinvattanakul, K. . (2024). The Development of Academic Achievement in Thai Literature of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students by Using MACRO Model with the use of Brain Writing Techniques . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 1–18. Retrieved from
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