The Impact of Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technostress on Work Performance in Chinese University: The Moderating Role of Extraversion

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Zibai Wei
Xuemei Sun


          How do different educational contexts (rural vs. urban universities, public vs. private institutions) affect the relationship between TPK, technostress, and work performance? Understanding this can help tailor interventions based on specific institutional needs. The objectives of this research were 1) To study the Impact of Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technostress on Work Performance in Chinese University: The Moderating Role of Extraversion.
          This research were collected through self-report surveys utilizing a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). This approach facilitated the measurement of variables related to technostress and academic performance. To enhance relevance to the target demographic, the Chinese Version of the Organization Big Five Scale (ORG-B5) was utilized to assess personality traits, particularly focusing on extraversion, which is central to the study.
          The research results were found as follows; The Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) dimension in Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is one of the important types of knowledge that teachers should have in the process of integrating technology. In the context of digital transformation of education, because technology integration reshapes the educational process, teachers' work performance is naturally affected by educational technology. Technology integration into teaching inevitably brings about technostress among teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between TPK, technostress and work performance of teachers in Chinese undergraduate colleges and universities. The results show that 1) TPK has an effect on technostress and work performance 2) technostress has an effect on work performance 3) extraversion moderates the relationship between TPK and technostress. The results of the study provide reference suggestions for enhancing work performance, relieving technostress, and having management of teachers in higher education in the context of digitalization.

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How to Cite
Wei, Z., & Sun, X. . (2024). The Impact of Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technostress on Work Performance in Chinese University: The Moderating Role of Extraversion. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 233–247. Retrieved from
Research Article


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