The Impact of Immersive Experiences on Consumer Purchase Intentions in E-Commerce Live Streaming: An Examination of Hedonic, Utilitarian, and Social Values

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Zhen CAI
Yuanfeng CAI


          E-commerce live streaming can create immersive experiences for consumers, yet the impact of such experiences on consumer purchase behavior in this context remains underexplored. Utilizing SOR theory, this study investigates how immersive experiences affect consumers' purchase intentions through perceived hedonic, utilitarian, and social values. Data were collected through an online survey using convenience sampling in China, yielding 405 valid responses. Structural equation modeling was employed for data analysis. The results indicate that immersive experiences positively influence all three dimensions of perceived value, with the greatest impact on social value. Additionally, hedonic, utilitarian, and social values all positively affect purchase intentions, with hedonic value having the strongest influence. These findings offer valuable theoretical and practical insights for researchers and marketers.

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How to Cite
CAI , Z., & CAI , Y. (2024). The Impact of Immersive Experiences on Consumer Purchase Intentions in E-Commerce Live Streaming: An Examination of Hedonic, Utilitarian, and Social Values. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 312–324. Retrieved from
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