The Development of Analytical Reading Ability and English Learning Achievement by Sq4r Learning Management with 5w1h Technique of Grade 6 Students
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This preliminary experimental research with a one-group posttest-only design purposed to: 1) develop the analytical reading ability of English Subject with SQ4R learning management together with 5W1H technique of Grade 6 Students to have 70 percent passing mean score, and 70 percent of all students could pass 70 percent criterion; 2) develop the learning achievement of English subject with SQ4R learning management together with 5W1H technique of Grade 6 Students to have 70 percent passing mean score, and 70 percent of all students could pass 70 percent criterion. The research target group consisted of 11 Grade 6 Students in Trimitwittayakhan School under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office1 during Semester 1 in Academic Year 2024, selected by the purposive sampling technique. The research design was the pre-experimental research design with the one-group posttest. The research instruments contained: 1) 12 learning management plans of English subject within 12 hours, 2) the subjective test to measure the analytical reading ability in 5 items, and 3) the objective test to measure the learning ability in 20 items. The statistics for analyzing the data included: 1) the percentage, 2) mean and 3) standard deviation and percentage.
The research findings exposed that: 1) The analytical reading ability of English subject of 11 students of the target group had 82.00 mean score, with 0.51 standard deviation value, equaled 82.00 percent, and 9 students of all could pass 81.82 percent criterion, higher than the setting criterion. 2) The learning achievement of English subject with SQ4R learning management together with 5W1H technique of Grade 6 Students revealed 81.82 percent mean score, and 90.91 percent of all students could pass the score criterion higher than the setting criterion.
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