The Mediation Effects of Job Performance and Occupational Stress on the Relationship Between Professional Identity and Occupational Well-Being of Teachers in Normal Universities and Colleges in Anyang City, Henan Province

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Li Ning
Sukhum Moonmuang
Sataporn Pruettikul


          The rapid growth of China's higher education sector, particularly in Anyang City, has led to increased pressures on university educators, contributing to significant occupational stress and burnout. Despite extensive research on the well-being of primary and secondary teachers, studies focusing on university educators remain limited. This study addresses the gap by investigating the mediating effect of professional identity on occupational well-being in university settings. Understanding this relationship is crucial for developing strategies to enhance educators' professional experience, reduce stress, and ultimately improve the overall quality of education in higher institutions.                            
          The aims of this research were: (1) to study the components of professional identity, occupational Well-being, job performance, and occupational stress of teachers in normal universities and colleges in Anyang City, Henan province, (2) to develop a model for professional identity, occupational Well-being, job performance, occupational stress of teachers in normal universities and colleges in Anyang city, Henan province, and (3) to verify the effect of mediating effects on the relationship between professional identity and occupational Well-being of teachers in normal universities and colleges in Anyang city.
          The research methodology in this study was a quantitative survey research method was employed in this research. The population were teachers who were teaching in universities and colleges in Anyang City, Henan. The samples were randomly selected from the population by using the proportional stratification random sampling method. The G*power software was used to calculate the sample size, 455 samples were selected. The 5-point Likert’s rating scale questionnaires were developed for data collection. Data analysis was descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of samples, The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used as a measurement analysis model, and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) for hypothesis testing.
          Research findings were (1) there were 4 components, named professional identity, occupational Well-being, job performance, and occupational stress were adequate components in the research of teachers in normal universities and colleges in Anyang City, Henan province that fit the empirical data. (2) The development measurement model for professional identity, occupational Well-being, job performance, and occupational stress was a good fit for empirical data. (3) Occupational stress on the relationship between professional identity and well-being, but job performance did not have a mediating effect. 

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How to Cite
Li Ning, Moonmuang , S. ., & Pruettikul, S. . (2024). The Mediation Effects of Job Performance and Occupational Stress on the Relationship Between Professional Identity and Occupational Well-Being of Teachers in Normal Universities and Colleges in Anyang City, Henan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(10), 137–150. retrieved from
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