The Influence of E-commerce Live Streaming on Consumers' Irrational Consumption Behavior:A Case of Changsha City, China

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Xinjun Mo
Hatairat Lertjanyakit
Lu Suo


          Irrational consumption behavior is an important part of human consumption activities. In recent years, e-commerce live streaming has developed rapidly in China. Some consumption behaviors of Chinese consumers have shifted from offline or traditional e-commerce to e-commerce live streaming, and irrational consumption behaviors have also migrated to e-commerce live streaming. Based on previous studies, the objectives of this study are: 1) To study the components of e-commerce live streaming that influence consumers' irrational consumption behavior; 2) To clarify the correlation between e-commerce anchors' attributes, sellers' characteristics, consumers' shopping status and irrational consumption behavior; 3) To analyze the mediating role of consumer trust in e-commerce live streaming and irrational consumer behavior; 4) To identify the biggest factors of e-commerce live streaming that influence consumers' irrational consumer behavior according to the degree of their role. Using the snowball sampling method, 425 valid samples were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were performed on the sample data to test reliability and validity, and a structural equation model was constructed to verify the research hypothesis.
          The research results show that: 1) the factors that affect consumers' irrational consumption behavior through e-commerce live streaming include e-commerce anchor attributes, e-commerce seller characteristics, consumer shopping status and consumer trust; 2) e-commerce anchor attributes, e-commerce seller characteristics and consumer shopping status significantly affect consumers' irrational consumption behavior; 3) consumer trust plays a mediating role between e-commerce live streaming and irrational consumption behavior; 4) consumer shopping status is the most important factor affecting consumers' irrational consumption behavior. It is recommended to enhance the attributes of e-commerce anchors, improve the integrity of e-commerce sellers, and advocate rational consumption by consumers.

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How to Cite
Mo, X., Lertjanyakit, H., & Suo, L. (2024). The Influence of E-commerce Live Streaming on Consumers’ Irrational Consumption Behavior:A Case of Changsha City, China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(10), 351–366. Retrieved from
Research Article


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