The Development of Website Writing Ability and Learning Achievement by Using Online Macro Model Learning on the Subject of Sciences and Thchnology for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students
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This research is aimed to 1) develop website writing abilities by using online MACRO model learning on the subject of sciences and thchnology for Mathayomsuksa 2 students, with the average score must be not less than 70 percent and the number of students who pass the criteria is 70 percent or more. 2) develop learning achievement by using online MACRO model learning on the subject of sciences and thchnology for Mathayomsuksa 2 students, with the average score must be not less than 70 percent and the number of students who pass the criteria is 70 percent or more. The sample group consisted of Mathayomsuksa 2 students who are studying at Punjadee School, semester 2, academic year 2023, totally 20 in number, by using cluster random sampling and the classroom as the random unit. This research was conducted according to the Pre-Experimental Research Design and the experiment was conducted according to the research format of One Group Post Test Design. The tools used were: 1) MACRO Model lessons 2) Unit 3 lesson plan: Website writing in science and technology subjects. 3) Questions test to measure website writing ability, 4) Questions test to measure academic achievement, and the basic statistics used are mean ( ), percentage (%), and standard deviation (S.D.). The research found that: 1) Website writing ability after studying by using online MACRO model learning on the subject of sciences and thchnology for Mathayomsuksa 2 students, in overall had an average score of 16.10, that is 80.50 percent, standard deviation (S.D.) of 2.34 from a total of 20 students, and there were 17 students who passed the criteria, it is 85.00 percent of the total number, higher than the specified threshold. 2) Learning achievement after studying by using online MACRO model learning on the subject of sciences and thchnology for Mathayomsuksa 2 students, in overall had an average score of 24.30, that is 81.00 percent, standard deviation (S.D.) of 2.98 from a total of 20 students, and there were 18 students who passed the criteria, it is 90.00 percent of the total number, higher than the specified threshold.
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