Community Tourism Management Mechanism Through the Religious Dimension Khon Kaen Province

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Phramaha Piratgorn Amsumãlî


This research aimed to 1) study the problems of tourism in communities through the religious dimension in Khon Kaen Province, 2) study the mechanism of tourism in communities through the religious dimension in Khon Kaen Province, and 3) propose guidelines for promoting tourism management in communities through the religious dimension in Khon Kaen Province. This research was a mixed-method research, both documentary research and qualitative research in the field, using mixed-method research. The research instruments consisted of interview forms and focus group discussion questions. Data were collected in person and analyzed using descriptive content analysis from key informants.

The study found that:

1) Community tourism problems through religious dimensions in Khon Kaen Province include problems in developing public areas due to limited public usable space. Some community members do not cooperate in community development, resulting in problems of cramped spaces and the inability to expand the area, which limits parking. Communities should have plans for developing communities, tourist attractions, and historical sites in both the short and long term, and have annual action plans.

2) Community tourism mechanism through religious dimensions in Khon Kaen Province

It was found that the principles of Buddhism, the category of influence, in terms of planning, consist of giving opportunities for people in the community to participate in joint tourism management, creating a community development plan with the participation of all parties, appointing people in the community with knowledge to help with work, and holding regular meetings. In terms of practice, consist of people in the community working selflessly, dedicating themselves to the community and the community, carrying out all activities according to the carefully laid out plan, people in the community participating in community development and creating pride in the community, allowing all parties to examine the results of each party’s work honestly and continuously, having a vision for developing a strong, stable, prosperous, and sustainable community, constantly considering and improving plans that have already been implemented with shortcomings, recording the strengths and weaknesses of the community and using them for development, emphasizing public hearings and listening to the opinions of people in the community.

3) Community tourism management mechanisms through religious dimensions Khon Kaen Province consists of 1) Mechanisms for organizing tourist attractions in the community based on the 5 S principles: clean, no trash, no dirt, bright, well-lit, no blind spots, safe, not dangerous for tourists, peaceful, quiet, not crowded, with peaceful, cool, hygienic corners, free from waste, safe, and healthy and disciplined community members. 2) Mechanisms for organizing activities to support community tourism through the religious dimension in the community, Khon Kaen Province, consisting of activities designed to allow tourists to experience feelings through the 5 senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and form. 3) Mechanisms for developing the competence of people in the community to be a part of sustainable community tourism management, consisting of the 4 S principles: creating motivation, creating habits, creating roles, and creating knowledge and understanding. 4) Mechanisms for developing the environment in the community to support tourism, such as organizing tourist attractions appropriately, not too many tourists, accepting only as much as can be managed, not affecting the environment of the community, convenient transportation, clear signs, good reception, clear reception, so that tourists are impressed with their visit, friendly people in the community, sufficient food, drinks, souvenirs, comfortable air, not too hot or too cold, places to rest, convenient walking around the place.

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How to Cite
Phramaha Piratgorn Amsumãlî. (2024). Community Tourism Management Mechanism Through the Religious Dimension Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(11), 550–563. Retrieved from
Research Article


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