Adaptation of Small Entrepreneurs in Songkhla Province In the Era of Artificial Intelligence

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Chetsada Noknoi
Wichuda Mardyan


           This research aims to study the adaptation of small entrepreneurs in Songkhla province to the age of artificial intelligence (AI). It employs a qualitative research methodology. The key interviewees are 12 small entrepreneurs in Songkhla province who have been in business for at least 3 years and continue to operate in the future AI era, representing various business types. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using the 7S McKinsey Model framework for content analysis. The research findings reveal that most entrepreneurs have incorporated AI into their businesses, particularly in data analysis and chatbot usage, but the utilization and readiness for adaptation vary. Newly established businesses tend to adapt and use AI more extensively. In terms of strategy, most entrepreneurs already have AI strategies in place, while the rest are in the planning stages. Regarding structure, organizational adjustments to accommodate AI are still in their early stages. For systems, AI usage is diverse, focusing on data analysis, marketing, and inventory management. Shared values show that employee attitudes towards AI range from moderate to fairly positive. The style of management indicates that executives prioritize innovation and adaptation. In terms of staff and skills, most companies emphasize AI-related staff development, but employee skills are generally at a moderate level.The main challenges include lack of knowledge and skills, budget constraints, and uncertainty about return on investment. Recommendations include developing AI strategies aligned with business goals, investing in employee training, and forming partnerships with technology companies or educational institutions. For the government sector, it is suggested to develop specific AI support policies and promote AI curriculum development in collaboration with educational institutions and the private sector. This research contributes significantly to filling the knowledge gap regarding the adaptation of small businesses in the AI era within the context of Songkhla province. The research results can be applied to formulate appropriate policies and support measures to enhance the competitiveness of small businesses in the digital economy era.

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How to Cite
Noknoi, C. ., & Mardyan, W. (2024). Adaptation of Small Entrepreneurs in Songkhla Province In the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 623–637. Retrieved from
Research Article


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