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Kittiya Khunarak
Pranita Chantharapyaphan


The objective of the academic article was to study the principles of Buddhism in the novel “Rak Borisut.” The novel was composed by Norarat Rakdee, applied to the Buddha’s teachings. The text of the novel was studied through the contemporary literary analysis. The finding revealed that The Buddhist principles in the novel were seen in three issues. The first was on the living life, considered from the Buddhist proverb as Satisampattha Sampada, translated that the endowment with mindfulness and the absence of heedlessness. The other finding was the teachings of Buddhism. For example, the teaching on the law of action, which was constant and unchangeable as proclaimed by the Buddha. The teaching on good behavior was “I believed in the Buddha’s teaching. He said to do good was good, even unseen by anyone, but the consequence from doing good was still good.” The teaching on householding was “You had to be qualified with what was called ‘Ruean Sarm Nam See’ in Thai.” The teaching on the lifestyle was “The human life required learning. While learning, they had to be happy and pleased without pressure. The motivation had to be generated through what the Buddha called Chanda (will or aspiration). When there was a will or aspiration (Chanda in Pali), an effort (Viriya in Pali), thoughtfulness or an active thought (Chitta in Pali), and investigation or examination (Vimangsa in Pali) would be followed continuously.” The teaching on such Thai proverbs as Tai Nam Tuen (referred to ‘Fish die in shallow water.’), Doo Vau Hai Doo Hang Doo Nang Hai Doo Mae (compared with ‘Like mother, like daughter’), and Dern Tam Phoo Yai Maa Mai Kad (described that a person believing and following an experienced and qualified person would be easily successful.).    

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How to Cite
Kunarak, K., & Chantharapyaphan, P. (2023). BUDDHIST TEACHINGS IN BUDDHISM-APPLIED NOVEL: “RAK BORISUT” BY NORARAT RAKDEE . Journal of Srilanchang Review, 9(2), 131–141. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jslc/article/view/268297
Academic Article


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