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The objectives of the research were (i) to study the current condition, desired condition, and need for guidelines for competency Development of school administrators in digital era, (ii) to Create the guidelines for competency development of school administrators in digital era, and (iii) to evaluate the guidelines for competency development of school administrators in digital era under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research sample consisted of 302 participants; 34 administrators and 268 teachers, selected by the stratified random sampling. The research instruments consisted of questionnaires; in-depth interviews; semi-structured interviews; focus group discussions and connoisseurship. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), and priority needs index (PNI), and presentation of qualitative data analysis result. The findings were as follows: 1) Current state of guidelines for developing the competency of school administrators in the digital age under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the overall level was at a high level (x̅ = 3.74, S.D. = 0.65), a desirable condition. Overall, it was at the highest level (x̅ = 4.81, S.D. = 0.36). And the priority index of essential needs was sorted from highest to lowest average of the top 3. These include: 1) Digital Citizenship (PNImodified = 0.32) 2) Creating a learning culture in the digital age (PNImodified = 0.31) 3) Systematic improvement (PNImodified = 0.28). 2) Results of the guideline study had five elements. The aspects include 1) Digital citizenship, consisting of three methods, three projects, three activities, twelve methods of practice. 2) Creating a learning culture in the digital world, consisting of three methods, three projects, three activities, twelve methods of practice. 3)Improvement Systematically, consisting of three methods of implementation, three projects, three activities, twelve methods of practice, 4) The aspect of creating excellence in professional practice, consisting of three methods of implementation, three projects, three activities, twelve methods of practice, and 5) The aspect of visionary leadership. Vision consists of three methods of operation, three projects, three activities, and twelve methods of practice. 3) Guideline evaluation results. Overall, it is at the highest level. (x̅ = 4.57, S.D. = 0.47). Arranged from the highest to the lowest mean, they were Appropriateness (x̅ = 4.64, S.D. = 0.42), Usefulness (x̅ = 4.60, S.D.= 0.40), and Feasibility (x̅ = 4.48, S.D. = 0.59), respectively.
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