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Phuwit Krutluang
Sathiraporn Chaowachai
Saifon Vibulrangson


The purpose of this research is to study and guideline for developing teachers' learning management skills in the digital age. Under the Sukhothai Secondary Educational Service Area Office The research method is divided into 2 steps: Step 1: Study of teachers' learning management skills in the digital age. The sample group consisted of 285 teachers. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire on teachers' learning management skills in the digital age. Sukhothai Secondary Educational Service Area Office It has a 5-level estimation scale. Data is analyzed with mean and standard deviation. Step 2: Study of guidelines for developing teachers' learning management skills in the digital age. The group of informants included 4 experts with knowledge and ability in digital technology, obtained through purposive selection. The tools used to collect data include an interview form and guidelines for developing teachers' learning management skills in the digital age. and analyzed the data using content analysis. The research results found that

  1. Results of the study of teachers' learning management skills in the digital age Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was the organization of learning processes combined with digital technology. at a high level And the aspect with the lowest average is the use of digital tools for learning. at a high level

       2. The results of the study of guidelines for developing teachers' learning management skills in the digital age found that the Educational Service Area Office should organize training to provide knowledge in both online and on-site formats regarding the use of technology in curriculum design. Support budget for teachers' use of learning management applications. Organize a contest on the use of innovative media and digital tools for learning. and continuously organize meetings in the On Line format

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How to Cite
krutluang, phuwit, Chaowachai, S., & Vibulrangson, S. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING TEACHERS’ LEARNING MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL AGE UNDER THE SUKHOTHAI SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 10(1), 113–127. Retrieved from
Research Article


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