From Slate to Digital, What ‘s the Learners Received?


  • Niwat Noymanee Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Kanporn Aiemphaya Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Abhichat Anukulwech Chonburi Technical College, Thailand
  • Daoprakai Raso Prompikunthong School


Slate, Digital, Student


      The educational management develop the quality of children and youth in Thailand. Which considered is a systematic education management. There is a national agency responsible for the education system. Since the announcement of the establishment of the department of education in the reign of King Rama 5. Therefore Thai education has been over 130 years. The important equipment of students used from the past to the present can be divided into 3 types. It begins with students using a slate as a device. Later it was the era of writing on the notebook. And now the students using recording knowledge on technological devices in the digital age. The first two types of devices are mainly used for acquiring knowledge from teachers but in the digital age, students' devices are used as a source of extremely high quality knowledge. The equipment of student has changed but what the students get from the teacher how much has changed? How much do teachers give students? How useful is it? The value of what students have been given. It should be co-analysis, which will be of benefit to current and future students. It's something that teachers and learners need to do together to make this happen. The teaching and learning approach to meets the interests and needs of the students. The learning of the future is the students learn what meets their potential and needs. They can be used in life, either in a way of applying it or that the students can adjust appropriately to benefit as required with a process that arises from the received knowledge.


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