Creative Leadership of School Administrators Relationship to the Atmosphere of Private Schools in Mueang District Under the Office of Chonburi Provincial Education


  • Bung-on Sangvirotrit Master of Education Program in Education Administration, Siam Technology College
  • Somkul Thavornkit Master of Education Program in Education Administration, Siam Technology College


Creative leadership, Corporate Atmosphere School, Private Schools


      This objective of this research were to: 1) study the creative leadership of private school administrators in Muang Chonburi district, Chonburi province education office. 2) To study the organizational atmosphere of private schools in Muang Chonburi district, Chonburi province education office and 3) To study the relationship between creative leadership of school administrators and the organizational atmosphere of private schools in Muang Chonburi district, Chonburi province education office.

           This research is a quantitative research, the sample is private school teacher in Mueang Chonburi district under the office of education of Chonburi province 37 places from the opening of ready-made tables to determine the sample size of Krejci & Morgan, 1970, pp. 607-610), a sample of 310 people was obtained and simple random sampling was used to find the proportion of each school, the research instrument was a questionnaire of 5 rating scales with a confidence factor of 0.993, the statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

           The results of this research were as follows: 1)  Creative leadership of private school administrators in Muang District, Chonburi, under the office of education, Chonburi province, it was at the moderate level with the mean (  x̄ = 3.22). The each aspect with the highest average was the moderate creative leadership ( x̄= 3.30), followed by the creative visionary leadership, it was at the moderate level ( x̄ = 3.17), and for the behavioral behavior, the lowest was the constructive leadership in flexibility, it has a moderate mean  ( x̄ =3.16).  2)  The organizational atmosphere of private schools in Muang district, Chonburi overall there is a corporate atmosphere It was at the moderate level with the mean ( x̄ = 3.18), the items with the highest average corporate climate behavior model are the clear atmosphere was at the moderate level ( x̄ = 3.38), followed by the free atmosphere at the moderate level ( x̄ = 3.37) and the side with the organizational atmosphere behavior, the lowest mean was the side, the central atmosphere is moderate ( x̄ = 2.95). 3)  Coefficient of correlation between creative leadership of school administrators and organizational ambience of private schools in Muang Chonburi district under the office of education of Chonburi province as a whole, there was a correlation coefficient, the relationship was at a moderate level (r = 546 **), statistically significant at the .01 level.


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