The Government Developmental Model of Theravada Clergy (Maha Nikai): A Case Study of Central Region Sangha


  • Phramaha Weerachat Potha Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Santhan Chayanon Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Wichitra Srison Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Development Model, Administration, Theravada Sangha


         The Theravada Sangha is governed by the Dharma and Vinaya, which are the Law Buddhism. In the past, the Sangha Administration in Thailand was organized in accord with the royal command and customs that were inconsistent with the Dharma and Vinaya. The Sangha Administration Act, R.E. 121, and the Sangha Act, 1962, were enacted as the main law governing the Thai Sangha. It has been more than 59 years, but there are still flaws or gaps that damage Buddhism which include the organizations of Sangha. The objectives of this research were to: (1) study the context and problems of the development of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya) Sangha Administration: A case study of the Sangha Council of Central Region; (2) study a guideline for the development of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya) Sangha Administration: Regional Sangha Councils. Central Region; and (3) present the form of administration development of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya): Sangha in the Central Region. This research employed a qualitative research method. The focus group discussion and in-depth interviews were conducted with 26 experts, which include 15 laity and 11 monks. The sample informants consisted of administrative monks, ordinary monks in the central region, religious scholars, and academics in political science. The research findings showed that: 1) in the context and problems in the development of the administration of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya): Sangha Councils in the Central Region, there were problems and obstacles in three aspects: the problem of the monks,  the lack of efficiency in administration and the problem of administrative structure; 2) in the guidelines for the development in the form of administration of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya): Sangha Councils in the Central Region that lead to good administration consisted of three principles. They were the principle of self-development, monks needed to develop themselves by using Three Studies principles (Precept, Concentration and Wisdom), the principle of human development in organization using The Seven Sappirisadhammas, and the principle of organizational development using the six principles of good governance; so that they could promote the operation of Sangha affairs more efficient in six areas, namely the Administration, the Religious Studies, The Education Welfare, the Propagation, the Public Utilities and the Public Welfare;   and 3) from this research, it was found that a pattern of administrative development of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya): a case study of The Sangha Council of Central Region, was based on TSG MODEL consisted of developing monks by the Three Studies principles, developing people with The Seven Sappurisadhammas and developing work with The six Principles of Good Governance. The TSG MODEL was useful for the development of administration of Theravada Sangha (Maha Nikaya): a case study of the Sangha of the central region, to reach the goals of working in the Sangha organization in order to have 1) Good people (Virtue) 2) Smart people (Intelligent) and 3) Happy organizations (Happy). They constituted the way for honoring good people, promoting good governances, and creating a new corporate culture.


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