The role of moral teaching in Samut Sakhon schools


  • PhraBooserm Janpakdee Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Bhasit Sukhawandee Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus


Role, Buddhist moral teaching at school


           This research has 3 objectives; 1) to study the role of  school moral teaching monk in Samutsakhon Province’s school; 2) to compare the role of them within the difference of their age, year of being monk, and educations ; 3) to getting recommendations and problems about the their role and teaching methods.  Populations and samplings of this research are 96 persons by choosing the Kregcie’s tables and use simple random sampling method. Research tool is the questionnaire and compute by statistic method as frequency, percentile, means, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA. 

          Research found that as follow;
          1.The school moral teaching monks in Samutsakon province have acted role in 3 modes are the most level at 4.08 and while arranging high – low point of data it found that  the personal mode of monk was high level at 4.22  and low level was the teaching media mode.
         2. The result of hypothesis testing found that the school moral teaching monk which were difference age, year of being monk, and their education are not difference by static method.
         3. The recommendations are follow 1) personal mode; some monks are very excited while they were teaching at school and have some their adaptation’s problem with context of class and school so they should practice teaching and being self-confidence on the other hands some monks getting so close with some students and this mislead their students are lack of paying their respects for this case it should put the position of moral teaching monk at the appropriate ways. 2) Teaching method mode; some moral teaching monk used teaching by reading book for student that lead their student getting bored so they should teach their students by difference teaching such as telling the tale and etc. to eager student’s interesting. 3) Teaching media mode; the moral teaching monk need to inform their teaching time table when they want to use computer room for teaching. There should be a variety of teaching methods or the production of teaching materials with drawings.


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