A Study on the Teaching and Learning Method of Sino-Korean Word for non-Chinese-speaking Learners Focusing on Using Vocabulary Guessing Strategies

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Siyapha Panumma


This study aims to find effective Sino-Korean word teaching and learning methods for non-Chinese-speaking Korean learners. Chinese characters are introduced in Korea and are important as they have influenced the Korean vocabulary system. However, the role of Chinese characters in current Korean language has decreased significantly, but it plays a very big role in terms of the meaning of vocabulary. In terms of Korean language education as a foreign language, Chinese and Japanese Korean learners have prior knowledge of Chinese characters, so they can easily infer the meaning of Sino-Korean word through Chinese character shapes or notes.

The fact that non-Chinese-speaking Korean learners have no background knowledge of Chinese characters compared to Chinese-speaking and Japanese-speaking Korean learners, makes learning Korean uncomfortable and more difficult. Through this study, an online survey was conducted on 12 Thai students who have middle and advanced Korean language skill to examine the current status of Sino-Korean word education, the importance of Chinese characters in learning Korean vocabulary, and the needs of learners to learn Sino-Korean word. In addition, prior studies and reading materials collected theoretical information on how Sino-Korean word education affects Korean reading education and vocabulary education. Hopefully, this study will effectively help non-Chinese Korean learners, especially Thai Korean language learners and Korean language education in Thailand.

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