A study on teaching methods for idiomatic expression using Korean drama: Focusing on Crash Landing on You

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Youngeun Joo


This study examines the importance of idiomatic expression education and the effectiveness of idiomatic expression education using dramas and tries to suggest a teaching method for idiomatic expressions using the world-famous Korean drama <Crash Landing on You>. Idiomatic expression education is very important because it can improve learners' communication skills and enhance their understanding of Korean culture. Since idiomatic expressions cannot be interpreted literally and are cultural vocabulary deeply involved in Korean culture, an efficient teaching method different from the existing memorization-style education is required. Through effective teaching, learners understand the practical meaning and context of idiomatic expressions and use them naturally. Drama can be a good teaching material for effective teaching of idiomatic expressions because it arouses the interest of learners and provides a discourse context close to real life. <Crash Landing on You> is valuable as an educational material because it not only reflects Korean culture well, but also contains various idiomatic expressions and is a well-known drama to learners from many countries. Among the idiomatic expressions shown in <Crash Landing on You>, expressions that can be effectively understood by the situation and context were selected and teaching methods for them were presented. Learners can infer the meaning of idiomatic expressions in the discourse context of drama material and improve their expression skills through activities such as dubbing.

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