The Analysis of the Case Marker in Korean Resultative Construction for Thai Learners

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Napassorn Kessri


This study aims to analyze the syntactic of Korean resultative construction (RC) and the case marker used in its components. Korean RC are determined by using suffix ‘-ke’ between the main clause and matrix clause. Most of Thai leaners do not understand the case marker used in each main clause and matrix clause in RC, directly leading a set of linguistic errors. To minimize these errors, it is necessary to analyze the argument structure in each clause to use case marker suitable. In order to analyze Thai learners’ understanding of the usage of case marker in RC, an online survey was conducted on 30 Thai students who learned the ‘NP1 NP2 AP VP’ construction which is intermediate Korean language skill.

            After reviewing the survey results, it can be clearly seen that mostly the construction which Thai Learners do not understand was clausal resultative construction. When Thai learners learn about Korean RC, it can be seen that the RC may be considerable confusion due to the grammatical characteristics that are different from other constructions. In order to provide the correct and efficient education, the chapter 4 of this study analyzed the linguistic errors by using generative grammar to show how case markers are generated. First of all, the phrasal-resultative construction can be used the transitive verb (TV) and intransitive verb (ITV) in the main clause. In case of clausal-resultative construction, it is not only determined by TV and ITV, but also determined by the component that the matrix clause described. It can be divided into three categories: subject description, object description and subject and object description. In conclusion, the study will pave the avenue for Thai learners to accurately apply the syntax of RC and the usage of case marker in RC, so Thai learners can use Korean more smoothly and accurately.


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