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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Language

    The journal’s language of publication is English. If the article contains passages in other languages, the passages should be accompanied by translations in the language of the main text.

    Authors are requested to check their manuscripts carefully for grammatical and orthographical errors prior to submission. In the case of English manuscripts, either British or American spelling conventions are acceptable as long as they are used consistently. Authors of Thai manuscripts are advised to follow the spelling of the Royal Institute’s Dictionary of B.E. 2542.
  • Manuscript form and formatting

    The manuscripts should be approximately 10-20 A4 pages in length, including the abstract, and all references, tables, figures, appendices, etc. Manuscripts must comply with the APA referencing style (7th edition) and should use 12 pt. Times New Roman with regular margins (one inch on every side) and single-line spacing between sentences. Please left-justify all pages and avoid right-justification. Use italics for foreign words and/or for cited words. The text should be divided into sections, each with a heading. Subsections are allowed, but no more than three levels of subheadings should be used.

    Articles should be saved in both .doc or .docx and PDF formats and titled after the last name of the author or the first author (in the case of multiple authors).
  • Cover page

    The cover page should contain the following information stipulated below. In the case of Thai manuscripts, this information should be in both Thai and English. English manuscripts should provide the information in English only:

    -    the title of the article,

    -    the name and academic title of each author

    -    the institutional affiliation of each author

    -    the contact information of the corresponding author (postal address, phone/fax numbers and email address).
  • Copyright and plagiarism

    Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials from copyright owners and to observe requisite copyright laws when quoting or reproducing copyrighted materials. Quotations and reproductions of content from other published sources must be accompanied by a reference and all sources should be clearly listed in the references section.
  • Abstracts

    Thai manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract (maximum 150 words) and 3-5 keywords in English.
  • Figures, tables, charts and examples

    Figures, tables, charts and examples should be numbered consecutively and be accompanied with appropriate captions according to the APA 7th edition style. References to them in the main text should be made accordingly. For more information, see the template guidelines.
  • Footnotes

    Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and should be numbered consecutively throughout.
  • Reference Style

    Citation, both in text and on the reference list, should conform to the requirements of the American Psychological Associate (APA 7th Edition). Here are examples of the APA referencing style:

    Chen, Z. (2012). Expression of Epistemic Stance in EFL Chinese University Students’ Writing. English Language Teaching, 5(10), 173-179.

    Coates, J. (1983). The Semantics of the Modal Auxiliaries. Beckenham: Croom Helm.

  • Prospective articles for Thoughts must be submitted via the THAIJO database. This will require each author to create a user account in the system (unless she or he already has an existing account). For more information on how to do so, please consult the provided manuals in Thai or English.

    In case more information is needed, please email us at chulathoughts@gmail.com

  • Publication fees

    There are NO publication or processing fees to publish with Thoughts.

Prospective articles for Thoughts must be submitted via the THAIJO database. This will require each author to create a user account in the system (unless she or he already has an existing account). For more information on how to do so, please consult the provided manuals in Thai or English. Here are brief guidelines for prospective authors of Thoughts.

- The journal’s language of publication is English

- Authors should submit manuscripts and cover pages. The manuscript must contain no information regarding the authors' names and affiliations. The authors' names and affiliations are supplied on the accompanying cover page, together with the manuscript title and author's contact information.

- Each manuscript should be approximately 10-20 A4 pages in length, including the abstract, and all references, tables, figures, appendices, etc. Manuscripts should use 12 pt. Times New Roman with regular margins (one-inch on every side) and single-line spacing between sentences.

-APA citation (7th Edition) is required, both in text and on the reference list.

-Template Guidelines can be found here