English Language Features in Brochures Promoting Thai Tourism and Thai-English Translation Strategies

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Supanan Prommak


This study analysed English language features in translated brochures promoting Thai tourism and Thai-English translation strategies applied in the brochures’ translation. With a lottery method, thirty bilingual brochures with Thai as source texts and English as translated texts promoting tourist attractions in the six regions of Thailand were selected. Durán-Muñoz’s (2012) tourism language was used as a framework to analyse the English language features while Pinmanee’s (2012) translation strategies were used as a framework to analyse the Thai-English translation strategies. All the data were also analysed inductively to explore any emerging patterns before developing them into themes. The findings revealed that Durán-Muñoz’s tourism language and Pinmanee’s translation strategies were spotted with some emerging themes being identified. Arguably, the findings can yield both knowledge addition in the literature and practical implications beneficial for translators, those interested in tourism translation, and those responsible for translation courses in the sphere of education.

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