Factors Affecting the Procurement Process Improvement of Chiang Mai University Library by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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Khanitha Chaipun
Rungsinee Khiaongam
Phinyaphat Yanakam
Manop Kaewmoracharoen


Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act B.E. 2560 has been adopted to all government agencies including national universities since 23 August 2017. Since then Chiang Mai University Library has started the procurement process improvement following the act. To improve the processes efficiently, several important processes were systematically selected as prototypes for the overall procurement processes. The selection process was developed according to the library requirements comprehensively. The data was collected from the library committee interviews and pair-wise comparison questionnaire by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results showed that the four major factors affecting procurement process improvement which were (1) research support procurement, (2) library service procurement, (3) library-identity procurement, and (4) learning-atmosphere procurement respectively. Then the three procurement processes would be considered to improve immediately were (1) electronics journal procurement, (2) library management system procurement, and (3) book procurement respectively.

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