The Administration of National Libraries of ASEAN Member Countries

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Prissana Toomchaiyaporn
Chutima Sacchanand
Jantima Kheokao


The research aims to study the development and analyze the management of National Libraries of nine ASEAN member countries. Documentary analysis and interview are used to collect data. The source of data was collected from documents and interviewing the directors or representatives from the National Libraries of nine ASEAN member countries. However, Brunei was not included because National Library of Brunei does not exist. The research instruments are data recording form and an interview form. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and synthesis analysis, presented in descriptive presentation. Quantitative data presented in the form of table and descriptive writing.

Research findings showed that 1) the National Libraries of ASEAN member countries have developed for a long time. The National Library of the Philippines was first founded (1928) while the National Library of Indonesia was last found (1980). Most Libraries were established by western colonizers, followed by monarchies. Factors effecting the development of the National Libraries are law, information technology and cooperation network. 2) All National Libraries played important roles and with mission as cultural institution of the nation, focus on the development and preservation the collections of information resources; and acted as a heritage of the nation’s wisdom. Most National Libraries are government agencies, under the Ministry of Culture. There are related laws for library operations, All National Libraries provided resources by legal deposit law. The National Libraries hold special collections of manuscripts and rare books, provide reading service for the public, collect national bibliography, build network and collaboration both nationally and internationally. Singapore and Malaysia are the two countries that National Library Act affects the pattern of administrative structure and causes an outstanding performance of those two countries.


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