The Relationship Between Poverty and Economic Variables of Thailand

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Pawittra Kabinlapat
Nisit Panthamit
Prapatchon Jariyapan


This research aimed to investigate the relationship between the incidence of poverty and economic variables of Thailand, using annually regional level data from 1995 to 2009. Econometric techniques used for analysis were Pooled OLS, Fixed Effects Model and Random Effects Model. The Fixed effects model indicated the impact of the Gini coefficient, unemployment rate and consumer price index on poverty incidence to be positive. An average monthly income per household was significant negatively correlated with poverty incidence. When dummy variables were incorporated into the analysis to determine the individual relationship region, the study found that unemployment had a positive impact on the incidence of poverty in northeastern regions, the Gini coefficient had a negative impact on the incident of poverty in northern region and the average monthly income per household had a negative impact on the incidence of poverty in Bangkok.

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How to Cite
Kabinlapat, P., Panthamit, N., & Jariyapan, P. (2016). The Relationship Between Poverty and Economic Variables of Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 1(1), 20–28. retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Pawittra Kabinlapat

Master of Economics Program in Faculty of Economic Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200

Nisit Panthamit

Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200

Prapatchon Jariyapan

Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200


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