The Development of Activity Package for Social Studies, Religion and Culture Subject on Buddhism History By Using Problem-Based Learning Management of Prathom Suksa 3 Level

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Wirat Suriye
Savitree Thaotho


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a set of social studies course activities Religion and culture on Buddhism history by using problem-based learning management concepts of Prathom Suksa 3 level to be effective according to the 80/80 standard criteria. 2) compare the academic achievement Before and after the student's studies Grade 3, by using activity package. 3) study the satisfaction of the student with learning management. The sample group used in this research is 31 students who were studying at the stuying in Prathom Suksa 3 level in the first semester of the academic year 2019 in the Demonstration School of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. Under the Office of the Higher Education Commission, 1 classroom, selected by purposive sampling. The tools used in the research are as follows: 1) A set of social studies course activities Religion and culture on Buddhism history by using problem-based learning management concepts, amount 6 sets, duration 12 hours. 2) Achievement tests Social Studies, Religion and Culture subject on Buddhist Biology, Prathom Suksa 3 level is a test of 4 types with 4 choices. 3) Questionnaire about students satisfaction with, activity package. Data analysis were the average percentage, standard deviation. The research findings were as follows : 1. Activity set for social studies Religion and culture on Buddhism history by using problem-based learning management concepts of Prathom Suksa 3 level to be equal to 83.63/82.80 which exceeded the criteria 80/80. 2. Academic achievement of Prathom Suksa 3 students, by studying with a set of social studies course activities Religion and culture on Buddhism history by using problem-based learning management concepts of Prathom Suksa 3 level after learning significantly higher than before learning at the .05 level. 3. The student’s satisfaction with learning management through activity set of Prathom Suksa 3 level at a high level.

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How to Cite
Suriye, W., & Thaotho, S. (2020). The Development of Activity Package for Social Studies, Religion and Culture Subject on Buddhism History By Using Problem-Based Learning Management of Prathom Suksa 3 Level. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(1), 13–24. Retrieved from
Research Article



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