The Characteristics of the male protagonist, “Mor lam raung toh Klon’s Khon Kaen” style

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Sunti Yodsombut
Surat Jongda
Jintana Saitongkum


This article written from Thesis “The Characteristics of the male protagonist, “Mor lam raung toh Klon’s Khon Kaen” style The objectives was to study The Characteristics of the male protagonist, “Mor lam raung toh Klon’s Khon Kaen” style. By using qualitative methods. Collecting data in “Rabeab Vadhasin” Band at Khonkaen province. Sampling from expert artists and audience. The result found that   Who has been chosen as the male protagonist of “Mor lam raung toh Klon’s Khon Kaen” style must consist of 6 special features, namely 1) The sound must have a good sound, Meaning that there is a soft, beautiful voice, 2) personality, must be male, 20-35 years old, single, good looking Perfect physique, healthy skin, healthy and dress appropriately, 3) Morality and ethics is to be considerate Be honest, 4) Discipline is to have diligence, patience, perseverance, learning, determination to work, high responsibility and punctuality, 5) Training is to have training Listen, practice reading, memorization, practice singing, accompanying the performance, practice the beat, practice the dance, practice the sub-practice and practice the rehearsal, and 6) the performance aspect is to have the ability In the field of singing “Lookthoong Morlam” music And Morlam performance in Khonkaen style.

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How to Cite
Yodsombut, S., Jongda, S. ., & Saitongkum, J. (2020). The Characteristics of the male protagonist, “Mor lam raung toh Klon’s Khon Kaen” style. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(1), 97–106. Retrieved from
Research Article


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