Changing Process of “Isan Music”: Pong Lang ensemble

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คมกริช การินทร์


The article titled "Changing Process of “Isan Music”: Pong Lang ensemble. Process is an integral part of the research on "Changing Process of Isan Music”. which received research funds From the Fund for Research (TRF) Year 2018, with the objective to study the factors that cause the process of adjusting the ensemble and to study the performance patterns of the Pong Lang bands that currently appear. Using descriptive analysis of key data from the fieldwork. By using the interview form and specific sampling, subjects were artists in related fields of performance. The result of the research shows that

        The factors that cause the Pong Lang's ensemble changing process include the changing environment, the person who create a new performance according to work objectives or employer, the influence of the economy and technology, the educational institutions; College of Dramatic Arts by teachers or artists leading who modifying showing  made it into a standard format. And another major factor that has led to changes for Pong Lang ensemble is the competition. Which the organizer of the competition will set the form of Pong Lang ensemble for.

        Currently, there are 3 steps of Pong Lang performance: 1) Opening The first step is to open the show. In order to check the sound and also inviting viewers come to see 2) Performing the second step There are performances in dance, comedy, and singing according to the purpose of the show. And 3) Closing the last step to end of the show and farewell to the audience

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How to Cite
การินทร์ ค. (2020). Changing Process of “Isan Music”: Pong Lang ensemble. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 35–46. Retrieved from
Research Article


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